Pac-Man - pastel

Hot to Trot - pastel
Toby - oil

A Curious Moment - pastel SOLD

Sunset Horse - oil SOLD

Rocky - oil

The King - pastel SOLD

Seeing Spots - oil on canvas

Zen - oil

Carrot! - pastel SOLD

A Moment's Rest - oil on canvas

Beautiful Bay - oil

Sir Duke - oil

Dexter - oil
Last Look - pastel SOLD

Ruthie - oil on panel

Neko - pastel

Ace - oil on canvas
Marius - pastel

Bean - oil
Jackson - oil

Trooper - pastel
Maizie - pastel

Cosette - pastel
Mack - oil

Landscapes/Still Lifes/Structures

Iridescence - pastel SOLD

Whispers of the Setting Sun - pastel SOLD

Sweet Suspension - oil on canvas SOLD

Emerald Cascade - pastel
A Perfect Pair - oil on canvas paper SOLD
Maui Mist - pastel
Trio of Onions - pastel (Honorable Mention, Tewksbury Historical Society Art Show)

Fall Birches - acrylic
Mountain Sunrise - pastel

Flavors of Fall - pastel

High Tide - oil
Lonely Dinghy - oil on canvas board

Basket of Spring - oil
Got Milk? - oil